23 March 2006

The Ultimate SuperTip

The Ultimate SuperTip

Here's a new Ebook I have just come across which is becoming very popular. It presents a strategy for selling any type of product using methods which will never become obsolete. Plus an ingenious twist which will send your traffic rocketing.The Ultimate SuperTip, written by Harvey Segal (Mr SuperTips) is neatly set out, easy to follow, written without hype and not littered with annoying links.And it ends with an amazing idea for making you money from the book itself. Downlod this and read it today!

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Featured Article : The Realistic Way to Start an Internet Business

We all are in search of the silver bullet that will put our business on autopilot and the only thing we have to do is to cash the checks. Aren’t you looking for this as well? Isn’t this the reason why you’re actually reading all these articles, including this one? You’re hoping to find the one tool, the surefire method, the hidden trick or the magic system that will make your dreams come true.
Once again I have to disappoint you. There is no such thing as a silver bullet that will magically run your business while you sit back and relax. If there would be one, why is everybody trying to sell you the next big thing or the breakthrough that will make you rich and you won’t need to chase the magic system anymore?
Are you as confused as I am? You bet. Without clear definition of exactly what you are trying to do, there will be no answers. What does rich mean to you? What exactly will the next big thing solve for you? It sure means something different to you than it does to me. The only thing we all have in common is that we all strive to achieve our personal financial freedom.
Sorry for getting off topic here. You still want to know how to make real money with an Internet business, don’t you? Instead of repeating marketing material over and over again I will tell you how I make real money with my Internet business.
First, you need a product and a website to sell your product. I’m a member of several clubs that offer new tools and books with master resale rights every month. This means that I can sell these products and keep 100% of the profit. I also have full control over the sales letter. This is very important. You set the price and you can add any bonus material you want to. You also need somebody to process the credit card payments. My choices are PayPal and 2Checkout.
Ok, now you have a killer sales web site and you’re ready for business. Unfortunately nobody knows that you’re open for business and the spider nets are starting to grow on your front door. What you need is traffic. Lot’s of it. After experimenting with all kind of traffic exchange programs I can honestly say, they don’t work. You need something more powerful.
This is exactly what I do every time I create a new web site for e new product I’m promoting. I put an ad on the major pay-per-click engines like Google, Overture, 7search and FindWhat. This gives my business a jump start.
Next I create doorway pages for the new web site and promote them to the search engines through a blog. Search engines will index your pages much faster when you have a link to them from a blog. Never submit your sales web site directly to any search engines. You will get much higher rankings if they find you.
I also make sure that I place an unblockable popup window on every doorway page to sign up for my newsletter. This way I capture at least the email addresses of my visitors. Also several Google AdSense windows will give me a little kick back.
To make it even more profitable, on the thank you page for the newsletter subscription I give away free stuff with lots of references to other web sites of mine and I make the subscriber aware that the real good stuff to download is hidden in an email. If they gave me a fake email just to download the free software it won’t work. But at least they download the free promo material. My stats showing me that this is working. I always make sure that the free stuff I’m giving away has viral marketing built in. It needs to reproduce itself without any intervention from my part.
This doesn’t look like a lot, but after setting up over 10 sales web sites the system is gaining momentum. After a while I will drop the pay-per-click advertising and the system supports itself with enough visitors to make a profit.
Ok, you’re absolutely right. This is a lot of work. However, do the math. Let’s say you create a new sales web site every month. After 6 months you break even with the initial setup cost and the startup pay-per-click costs. After that you’re making net profits. Let’s also say you’re making $200 a month in profits. Not much, but realistic. After just one year you have 12 sales web sites up and running and they produce $2400 a month in profits. Would you walk away from a business like this? Hell no.
Bottom line if you want to get rich quick you need to go to Vegas. If you want to start a serious Internet business you might want to follow my strategy. This works for me, chances are that it will work for you too. If you really want to push this system to the limits simply create an affiliate program on top of it and your profits will go through the roof.
Copyright 2005 Peter Dobler
Resource : Online Business Articles Colection

Profit Pulling Niche Blogs

Profit Pulling Niche BlogsBy Brandon Hong

Who Else Wants To Know How To Build Profitable Niche Blogs That Pull In Cash Like Clockwork?

Finally, Wordpress Expert Reveals Insider Secrets & Strategies For Mastering Wordpress so that You too can build Niche Blogs that pull in more profits in this 27 page Special Report "Profit Pulling Niche Blogs".

In this Report, you'll learn: What Are Niche Blogs...Advantages of Niche Blogs...How You Can Make Money With Niche Blogs...How To Create Your Profit Pulling Niche Blogs...How You Can Create Content Without Writing...How To Create Niche Products For Your Niche Blogs...And More!
Click here to download.

Featured article : Niche Affiliate Marketing

What is ‘Niche Affiliate Marketing?’ It is a catch-phrase or brand that I have come up with to describe a system of marketing, really. Niche Marketing is generally understood as finding and selling products that are kind of unique, and therefore do not have as much competition in the market place. This concept is key to this system.

Affiliate marketing is, of course, selling memberships or products in affiliation with another company, to get commissions, usually on a multi-level or tiered arrangement. The seller gets commissions on their sales and also a percentage of the sales made by members who have signed up under them.

The pitfall, for many newcomers, here is that they will try to sell, using the splash pages provided for them by the company. After a few years of being in business, one sees countless webpages that are all exactly alike. The newcomer has faded into the crowd. The same problem exists for most any product that exists; how to keep from disappearing into the multitude of similar products. This problem, of course gets worse all the time.

So how can a well known affiliate program or any other product become ‘Niche?’ It’s all in how you present it. For one thing, you need to put your own site together and develop your own brand or identity. I’ve written in other articles of the great advantage to having your own domain.
Unfortunately, many newbies choose domain names the same way they pick names for their dog; by whatever appeals to them. This is not wise because there is an exact science to selecting a domain or brand that has to do with search engines and keywords.

One cannot under value the importance of this science, since research shows that 95% of internet users use the internet like a yellow pages directory; they go right to their favorite search engine. This makes search engines and search ranking the most important of all means to advertise.

When you come up with a name or brand, for your business, put some thought into it. Remember, it doesn't matter how good or artful the name you choose is, if it's not something that people actually type into their favorite search engine box.

You might think that you've come up with the greatest and catchiest name in the world. It may make perfect sense to you and seem to be a perfect description but, if no one else ever thinks of typing this name into the search box, it doesn't do you much good.

Start by making a list of possible names. I always recommend that you put yourself in the place of your prospective customers. Ask yourself what keyphrases you would type into a search box if you were looking for the kind of service or product that you offer.

Ask yourself what types of general descriptions your business would be found under and start making some lists. Then comes the important part. Research the keyword phrases on your list.
Find out, for sure, if people have been typing in the keyword phrases that you have come up with and exactly how many. While doing this part of the research, you should easily be able to collect hundreds of pertinant keywords and keyword phrases that you can use on your website.
After doing your research, make your selection from your list for your new name and or URL. This is where the niche part comes in. Select a phrase that you believe you can reasonably get to the top of a search engine page with. Use this as a domain name.

Copyright 2005 Brian Beshore

Source : http://freebizarticle.myfishinglinks.com/Niche_Affiliate_Marketing.html