15 October 2005

Copywriting Gems: 100 Amazing Advertising Tips!

Make your readers visualize they have already bought your product in your ad.

Tell them what results they have got from it and how it makes them feel.

They'll already become emotionally attached before they buy.

For example, you could say, "Imagine using our product to increase your sales by 600%!"

MyFishingLink : Free Download Ebook, Software, and Script

12 October 2005

Six-Figure Secrets: 100 Powerful Promotion Tactics!

Example: Set up a joint venture with your competition if you can't beat them. You could agree to work together to beat the other competition then share the profits.

For example, you could create a product together that you both could promote or you both could share advertising costs to promote your businesses together.

Thank you

MyFishingLink : Free Download Ebook, Software, and Script