You can make many times the profits you are making now without paying one extra penny in advertising or hunting for extra traffic. It's easy if you make a few changes on your site's "ad copy"...Here are some of the things you can learn:
::. The one common online practice that can easily backfire and actually cost you sales. You will learn how to do this the right way so that you make more profits.
::. A dirty little trick "stolen" from offline copywriters and how to adapt this to your website. Do this correctly and the visitors will be so involved in your site they won't even think of clicking away!
::. The 11 points you can't afford to ignore if you want your site to have any semblance of credibility. It's simple: Lose your credibility, lose the sale. You will understand how to do this correctly.
::. What can you learn from newspapers? Grasp this concept and the conversion rate of your site can increase by more than 114%! You will laugh once you see how easy it is.
::. Finally analyzed: Should you mention the "technical" features of your product in your web copy? Or not? And why? It may not be what you think it is.
::. An amazing powerful trick to skyrocket the number of people who actually read your salesletter! This can instantly double your profits and you can implement it quickly and easily.
You will also understand:
::. The power of post scripts in your webs copy. Harness their power and watch out!
::. Explained: The concept of the "by the way" technique and how to use it in order to generate even more profits from your website.
::. Analyzed: The "AIDAS" formula. How this strange word can mean untold profits for the few people who truly understand it.
::. The ad copy style recommended by John Kennedy (he charges up to $50,000 for a salesletter). What could you do if you knew it?
::. The power of "bullets" and how to use their power to volcanically erupt the conversion rate of your site.
::. Should your products be cheap? Or expensive? And why? Where does the truth lie?
::. How to change your general statements into specific ones and why this little secret can virtually skyrocket your conversion rate.
::. The technique of "limited quantity offers" and why it's so powerful. Few people use (or understand) this concept.
::. The two main emotions that top copywriters aim at awakening. Do you know what they are?
::. The one point of your presentation where you should really "give it all" and why it can mean you getting the sale instead of your competitors.
::. How to ask for the order. Should you use multiple order options? Or not? Many people give the exact opposite answer of what they should in the above question!
::. How to strike your maximum profit point by using this advanced technique. This technique is used after you have finished your salesletter.
OK, it's enough... :)
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