Profit Pulling Niche Blogs
Profit Pulling Niche BlogsBy Brandon Hong
Who Else Wants To Know How To Build Profitable Niche Blogs That Pull In Cash Like Clockwork?
Finally, Wordpress Expert Reveals Insider Secrets & Strategies For Mastering Wordpress so that You too can build Niche Blogs that pull in more profits in this 27 page Special Report "Profit Pulling Niche Blogs".
In this Report, you'll learn: What Are Niche Blogs...Advantages of Niche Blogs...How You Can Make Money With Niche Blogs...How To Create Your Profit Pulling Niche Blogs...How You Can Create Content Without Writing...How To Create Niche Products For Your Niche Blogs...And More!
Click here to download.
Featured article : Niche Affiliate Marketing
What is ‘Niche Affiliate Marketing?’ It is a catch-phrase or brand that I have come up with to describe a system of marketing, really. Niche Marketing is generally understood as finding and selling products that are kind of unique, and therefore do not have as much competition in the market place. This concept is key to this system.
Affiliate marketing is, of course, selling memberships or products in affiliation with another company, to get commissions, usually on a multi-level or tiered arrangement. The seller gets commissions on their sales and also a percentage of the sales made by members who have signed up under them.
The pitfall, for many newcomers, here is that they will try to sell, using the splash pages provided for them by the company. After a few years of being in business, one sees countless webpages that are all exactly alike. The newcomer has faded into the crowd. The same problem exists for most any product that exists; how to keep from disappearing into the multitude of similar products. This problem, of course gets worse all the time.
So how can a well known affiliate program or any other product become ‘Niche?’ It’s all in how you present it. For one thing, you need to put your own site together and develop your own brand or identity. I’ve written in other articles of the great advantage to having your own domain.
Unfortunately, many newbies choose domain names the same way they pick names for their dog; by whatever appeals to them. This is not wise because there is an exact science to selecting a domain or brand that has to do with search engines and keywords.
One cannot under value the importance of this science, since research shows that 95% of internet users use the internet like a yellow pages directory; they go right to their favorite search engine. This makes search engines and search ranking the most important of all means to advertise.
When you come up with a name or brand, for your business, put some thought into it. Remember, it doesn't matter how good or artful the name you choose is, if it's not something that people actually type into their favorite search engine box.
You might think that you've come up with the greatest and catchiest name in the world. It may make perfect sense to you and seem to be a perfect description but, if no one else ever thinks of typing this name into the search box, it doesn't do you much good.
Start by making a list of possible names. I always recommend that you put yourself in the place of your prospective customers. Ask yourself what keyphrases you would type into a search box if you were looking for the kind of service or product that you offer.
Ask yourself what types of general descriptions your business would be found under and start making some lists. Then comes the important part. Research the keyword phrases on your list.
Find out, for sure, if people have been typing in the keyword phrases that you have come up with and exactly how many. While doing this part of the research, you should easily be able to collect hundreds of pertinant keywords and keyword phrases that you can use on your website.
After doing your research, make your selection from your list for your new name and or URL. This is where the niche part comes in. Select a phrase that you believe you can reasonably get to the top of a search engine page with. Use this as a domain name.
Copyright 2005 Brian Beshore
Source :
Who Else Wants To Know How To Build Profitable Niche Blogs That Pull In Cash Like Clockwork?
Finally, Wordpress Expert Reveals Insider Secrets & Strategies For Mastering Wordpress so that You too can build Niche Blogs that pull in more profits in this 27 page Special Report "Profit Pulling Niche Blogs".
In this Report, you'll learn: What Are Niche Blogs...Advantages of Niche Blogs...How You Can Make Money With Niche Blogs...How To Create Your Profit Pulling Niche Blogs...How You Can Create Content Without Writing...How To Create Niche Products For Your Niche Blogs...And More!
Click here to download.
Featured article : Niche Affiliate Marketing
What is ‘Niche Affiliate Marketing?’ It is a catch-phrase or brand that I have come up with to describe a system of marketing, really. Niche Marketing is generally understood as finding and selling products that are kind of unique, and therefore do not have as much competition in the market place. This concept is key to this system.
Affiliate marketing is, of course, selling memberships or products in affiliation with another company, to get commissions, usually on a multi-level or tiered arrangement. The seller gets commissions on their sales and also a percentage of the sales made by members who have signed up under them.
The pitfall, for many newcomers, here is that they will try to sell, using the splash pages provided for them by the company. After a few years of being in business, one sees countless webpages that are all exactly alike. The newcomer has faded into the crowd. The same problem exists for most any product that exists; how to keep from disappearing into the multitude of similar products. This problem, of course gets worse all the time.
So how can a well known affiliate program or any other product become ‘Niche?’ It’s all in how you present it. For one thing, you need to put your own site together and develop your own brand or identity. I’ve written in other articles of the great advantage to having your own domain.
Unfortunately, many newbies choose domain names the same way they pick names for their dog; by whatever appeals to them. This is not wise because there is an exact science to selecting a domain or brand that has to do with search engines and keywords.
One cannot under value the importance of this science, since research shows that 95% of internet users use the internet like a yellow pages directory; they go right to their favorite search engine. This makes search engines and search ranking the most important of all means to advertise.
When you come up with a name or brand, for your business, put some thought into it. Remember, it doesn't matter how good or artful the name you choose is, if it's not something that people actually type into their favorite search engine box.
You might think that you've come up with the greatest and catchiest name in the world. It may make perfect sense to you and seem to be a perfect description but, if no one else ever thinks of typing this name into the search box, it doesn't do you much good.
Start by making a list of possible names. I always recommend that you put yourself in the place of your prospective customers. Ask yourself what keyphrases you would type into a search box if you were looking for the kind of service or product that you offer.
Ask yourself what types of general descriptions your business would be found under and start making some lists. Then comes the important part. Research the keyword phrases on your list.
Find out, for sure, if people have been typing in the keyword phrases that you have come up with and exactly how many. While doing this part of the research, you should easily be able to collect hundreds of pertinant keywords and keyword phrases that you can use on your website.
After doing your research, make your selection from your list for your new name and or URL. This is where the niche part comes in. Select a phrase that you believe you can reasonably get to the top of a search engine page with. Use this as a domain name.
Copyright 2005 Brian Beshore
Source :
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